Quilted Northern

Keep it Quilted

The toilet paper industry has long been dominated by animated bears, potty humor and absorbency test. Quilted Northern wanted to do something different. In this campaign, we encouraged people to elevate their bathrooms and consider their choice of toilet paper just as important as their choice of hand towels or scented candles.

See some highlights from the campaign below.

Role: Copywriter

This was a 360 rebranding campaign that launched their Quilted Northern’s new visual identity and brand platform. This included and through an ample amount of social posts, stories, reels, pins, banners, and other custom placements.

While the campaign was still in early development, my partner and I had a lot of fun folding elaborate toilet paper designs in Argonaut’s basement — a skill that paid off when we pitched and produced our own social videos before the official shoot.

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